Being properly insured matters to you? We cover the landscape of insurance solutions.

Plenty of tips to be well covered! 


Our best tips to find your scooter Insurance

Scooters give you the freedom to go wherever you want in complete freedom. Whether you're a teenager eager to get on your own scooter for the first time or a parent concerned about your child's safety, it's essential to understand the legal requirements and different options for scooter or motorcycle insurance.

Practical guide to selling your vehicule

Thinking of selling your vehicle privately? We've put together a comprehensive guide to help you every step of the way – from preparatory work to final sale. All this practical information will make the process easier and give you the best chance of selling your vehicle.

5 Steps to evaluate your belongings for your home insurance

When choosing home insurance, it's important to accurately evaluate the value of your possessions to ensure you have adequate coverage. You probably have a rough idea of how much your most significant possessions are worth, but do you know the total value of your home’s contents? In case of disaster or theft, your insurance company will ask you to estimate the overall value of all your possessions to compensate you adequately. The steps below will help you to make an accurate evaluation for your home insurance, to make sure you’re well-protected in case of a claim.

Everything you need to know about roommates and insurance

Roommates can be an unforgettable life experience, a fantastic way to save money, and a great way to share the responsibilities that come with an apartment! We're talking about rent, electricity, groceries and cleaning. Whether you opt for roommates as a permanent or temporary lifestyle, it is undeniably practical. But what about insurance? Keep reading to find out what you need to know.

How to save money on your home insurance premium

With adulthood comes independence, family plans, and hopefully (!), enough financial capital to buy a nice home of your own. However, the costs of buying a home can quickly add up – what with mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance expenses and so on. You can easily reduce your financial stress and significantly lower your home insurance premium by following these seven tips:

Buying and protecting your first house

Your dream has finally come true! You’ll soon be getting the keys to your first house of your own. But to avoid unpleasant surprises have you thought of everything before you move in? Our checklist will help you check everything!