Plan your finances and make the right investments

Did you know that a favorable financial situation requires thoughtful planning? Financial security is an important issue at every stage of your life!
Whether you're a young professional or a worker with many years of career behind you, you need to get started! At AccèsConseil, our team is made up of financial security advisors and group savings representatives whose mission is to put together personalized financial projections and savings strategies that meet your needs and ambitions.
Achieve your goals with a solid financial projection
The first step to financial independence is access to sound management of your finances. At AccèsConseil, your advisor has the expertise and listening skills to draw up a clear action plan, with numerous options for reaching your goal. This plan incorporates possible contingencies to offset any unforeseen events that may arise.
Our goal: to help you realize your dreams and reach your goals.
Get to know taxes and investments
Once your advisor has worked out your action plan with you, they will work with you to determine an investment strategy that takes into account your plans and aspirations in terms of the age at which you wish to retire and the salary available to you.
AccèsConseil is your dedicated expert advisor to help you plan your life and retirement projects.
Get to know taxes and investments

Since your investments are unique, your advisor's recommendations will be just as unique. There are several types of investment vehicles, such as RRSPs, TFSAs and now FHSAs (Tax-Free First Home Savings Account).
Depending on your investor profile, your objectives, your tolerance to variations in returns and many other factors, your financial advisor will guide you towards the right mix and the right investment by creating your personalized portfolio. Your advisor is also there to let you know when it's time to withdraw your investments.
Thanks to your AccèsConseil advisor, you can enjoy the returns you need to realize your projects!
Finance your children's education by choosing the right RESP
To follow through on their dreams, your children will need support. A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a must for every family. It's a sensible solution, since you benefit from a government grant of up to 30% of the money you put into it.
What's more, with an RESP, the growth of your investments is tax-sheltered. The government contribution, like the earnings, is payable to your children, but the capital is yours to reinvest in your RRSP or TFSA.
AccèsConseil helps you see clearly and adopt the right strategy by suggesting investments that match your budget and your plans